The marine environment is a fragile ecosystem and even moreso near the shoreline where boaters often need to moore their boats. Traditional means of mooring boats using heavy weights and chains that drag the bottom as the winds and tides move a boat around can do irreprepairable damage to this fragile environment. In recent years this issue has gained greater visibility as we begin to understand the complex interrelationships between the environment and the quality of life on this planet.
Importance of eelgrass (seagrass) habitat
Eelgrass, a species of seagrass, serves as an extremely valuable spawning and nursery habitat for a variety of fish and shellsh species, including winter founder, summer founder and bay scallop. It also is an important primary producer supporting the base of the food chain. Throughout Massachusetts and the Northeast, eelgrass meadows have been declining over the past 20 years. This decline is primarily from deteriorating water quality, but also as a result of a wide range of physical alterations such as dredging and filling, as well as boating related impacts.
Learn more about the importance of eelgrass by watching this short video or by visiting our Eco-Mooring Systems website, home of the best conservation mooring system on the market today.
Learn even more about Eelgrass in the following video.
Impacts to eelgrass habitat from moorings
Eelgrass habitat is vulnerable from a number of boating related activities, including the use of traditional chain moorings. Traditional chain moorings, when placed within, or adjacent to, eelgrass beds, can severely damage habitat through bottom dragging and scour. Furthermore, the disturbance to the seafoor by mooring chains can suspend sediment and decrease water clarity, which diminishes the level of light penetration critically important to eelgrass growth and survival. Read more about sensitive sea beds on our Eco-Mooring Systems website.
What are eco-Moorings?
An eco-mooring system can be described as a mooring system that is designed to avoid contact with the seafoor, generally through the use of fexible, foatable lines. Depending on the substrate, helical anchors may be used in place of traditional concrete mooring block in order to reduce the footprint within eelgrass or shellsh habitat. The revolutionary eco-Mooring System designed, manufactured, and distributed by is the leading ecologically friendly boat mooring system.
Read more about this subject here.
Preparing Your Boat for a Tropical Storm
June 26, 2012
Sweet little Tropical Storm Debby has left a trail of sailboats on beaches from Punta Gorda to Pensacola, Fla., and a dozen boats from the mooring field at our homeport of the Sarasota Sailing Squadron are among her victims.
One storm-related product that has been sitting on (or under, to be exact) my desk for some time is a sample from of the Eco-mooring Rode developed by Dave Merrill...
Read the full Blog here.